The blame game

By unemployed - 20/04/2013 00:16 - El Salvador - San Salvador

Today, my boss made me give a presentation to several senior company officials about the serious financial losses our division has made this year. Barely an hour later, my boss had palmed all the blame off onto me and gotten me fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 907
You deserved it 3 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He isn't fit to be a boss, if he can't take responsibility for his own failures, he's going to get fired sooner or later.

I'm sorry OP. If they sign your payroll, you are basically their bitch it seems. I hope you find work soon.


feldco1 17

If he's not capable of taking blame, you wouldn't want to work for him anyway. Hope you find a job with a better boss OP.

now go out and get a way better job, OP! Sorry about it though.

Take a poo in his car air vents. That'll teach him!!

rg350dx 29

If he so readily threw you to the wolves you shouldn't be working there. Maybe this will be a new beginning. Getting fired for doing your job. Ridiculous.

dee_89 7
AboveAll04 14

And then the dude is gonna mob up in the place with a shotgun and go crazy...because of that one prick.

perdix 29

#28, I can always spot a reply from a fellow old person who knows how the world really works. The naïve babes out there think that the boss is going to get nailed eventually, but the reality is that the path to many executives' success is littered with the corpses of "sacrificial lambs," "fall guys," etc.

So true unfortunately. The boss will keep climbing over the corpses of his lackeys

The road to success is not pretty these days. Stabbing people in the back just to take another step higher.