The ending of Lost explained

By Morgan - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I lost my dog. I looked around my neighborhood for hours, and found him under my bed asleep when I got home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 859
You deserved it 30 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments


LOL. what if the dog had been gone but came back while he was out looking for him?

IndiRae 9

Hmm, my dog disappeared a few months ago, maybe that's what been making noises under my bed.

at least he's safe and that just shows how how much u love him :)

At least you found your dog! He/she could have been hit by a car or claimed by some other person. Be happy that they are safe!

Lolpizza_fml 0
sourgirl101 28
sourgirl101 28

No-no I have a phobia of dogs but still wouldn't call an animal "it".(:

blue_eyes11792 0

you're an idiot for not looking under your bed first