This is wrong

By WTF - 05/09/2009 22:11 - United States

Today, I walked in on my parents doing it. Luckily they didn't see me so I slipped out. I looked outside, trying to take my mind of the horrors I had just witnessed, only to realize my dad's car wasn't in the driveway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 750
You deserved it 3 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could be that somebody's borrowed it. I can see your worry though. But make sure before you jump to any conclusions.

DeadMansCrack 4

yo mama's got some 'splainin to do


ewww! why would they do it if you're in the house anyway? ._. ewewew thats pretty much likeee asking for trouble cheating & having sex with someone else in the home EW FAIL.

Did you ever think that maybe your mom borrowed your dads car, and it was your dad that was cheating on your mom. Hmm. These things in life to wonder. // Just thought i'd put that out there.

Or maybe the car was stolen! Maybe they both went out and a couple broke in to have sex!

or maybe the women in your parents bedroom wasn't your mum and the man wasnt your dad...maybe they were just some robbers who got hot of the tention and decided to have sex right away?

I want a preview of the world you live in via movie format. Seriously... how much adult rated stuff do you go through hourly?

CL41RE 0

starchild21 why do u keep putting your myspace link o_O

PurpleSquirrel 0

do it the gossip girl way and take a picture of them doing it then send it as a text to your mom saying "spotted xoxo gossip girl"

LOL that would be way too funny. hopefully the mom would get the obvious reference, though. OP - maybe your dad's car was in the shop? or something...? =/

Protegas 0

Regardless of how gross it would be to see my mom doing the do, I'd totally go in and yell at her. The dumb bitch would be stupid to ever cheat on my dad.

That's how you talk about the woman who bore you in a hypothetical situation? FAIL.

How could anyone vote that he deserved this?

strikersoccer09 0

if she was cheating, and your dads car isn't there, where is the other persons car ? unless its like a neighbor. now wouldn't that be awkward....