Time to move

By Anonymous - 19/04/2022 08:00 - United States - Verona

Today, as every morning since I started working from home, my mother interrupts me with her complaints about family members and old history. I'm not qualified to be a family therapist, and I need this job to pay my bills. She doesn't take the hint with my headphones on, but heaven help me if I interrupt her TV show later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 924
You deserved it 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fab4lyfe 1

It must be my mom lol don’t mess with her General Hospital lol


So why are you working as an online family therapist if you are not qualified? I understand your need for money, but you can really screw up some families with your fraud.

Fab4lyfe 1

It must be my mom lol don’t mess with her General Hospital lol

Put up a barrier. Boxes, lamps, laundry hampers. Use a rope or some sheets to close it off. Hang up multiple signs, "I am WORKING, MAKING MONEY TO PAY BILLS, and will conversate with you while off the clock."

"Mom, I love you and I'm sorry for what's bothering you, but at the moment, your interrupting my work is what's bothering me. I would love to talk with you _after_ my shift ends, but I really cannot until then." If she continues, reiterate and tell her that for every interruption, you will interrupt her non-bill-paying TV-watching three times that day. Repeat until it sinks in...