By kharrington - 07/04/2011 17:30 - United States

Today, a woman called my work and accused me of having an affair with her husband, my coworker, demanding that my boss discipline me. I don't know her, I barely know her husband, and I haven't had sex in months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 629
You deserved it 3 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTF is wrong with people? How could you click "YDI" for this? I suspect misogyny is the answer.

sucks to be you op. Good luck with that one. Roses are red. Violets are blue. you been banging my husband? I go beserk on you!


briidontgive_ 0

Well if they believe it , might as well have sex with him now.

bang her husband take a pic blur yourself out and send it to the Bitch. and don't use the work email or phone a make a anonymous email

that's because all chicks from CT are f*ckin crazy!

and that matters? heck, i would have said, yes i am having an affaire wit ur husband! suck it!

denea83 0

Fyl because: 1) accused for something u didnt do 2) long dry spell 3) barely know your co worker

bunny650 0

Was that chick retarded. you can't legally get punished for having an affair with a coworker.