By Poopie - 29/01/2011 06:06 - Canada

Today, after suffering from constipation for three days, I finally took a dump. Just as things reached the point of no return, my land line and doorbell all rang. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 215
You deserved it 3 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

" the point of no return" ? that sounds like an epic shit you got there

TahoeFMler 22

Um duh, don't answer them and do your business!


sallen0046 4

Seriously? You weren't plummeting off a cliff, you were taking a crap. This is not in any way a life-******* situation. You simply return the call when you're out of the bathroom. The person at the door will either come back, or actually be polite and call to see if you want them to show up on your doorstep again.

Why the **** did you put a question mark at the end? It's not even a question.

If you are so desperate not to miss any calls/visits, next time put a note on your door: "Taking much-needed dump, please call again later" and record the same on your answering machine.

stingray626 0

damn crybabys these daysoh u couldnt answer the door nd phone so fml lol get over it not a big deal at all

This is an FML? **** this, post more life-******* stories than this on here, come on.

Thanks for the suggestion, aspnet_rules. We'll take it under advisement at the next Fight Club meeting or something.

Oh my god, I love you just for the Fight Club thing.

Steve95401 49

Just because a doorbell or telephone rings doesn't mean that you have run to answer it. That's what an answering machine is for and the person at the door was probably trying to sell something.