By jonh_215 - 08/04/2011 16:09 - United States

Today, as a going away present after five years of military service and one combat tour, the hospital scheduled me for a prostate exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 031
You deserved it 4 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

From what I've heard, those exams can be excruciatingly pleasurable. Enjoy your intense boner and I hope you have someone to drain it on or in.

Happy going away! May your prostate always be healthy. :D


Decodedman 1
zebrapattern 6

be glad you're even alive, and getting to come home.

i understand -- after 5 years of getting shafted by the military, you don't want them literally doing it to you, right? :D on that note -- MONKEY *******, GO!!!! |the kid|

puckman 0

take it like a man ya coward!

bman134 0

you've been in for five years and still don't know they will **** you any way they can

G6chick 0

army literally ****** u in tha ass

damn those bastards for trying to save you from cancer ! how dare they !

txtracey 0

They f$&k you coming and going!

how dis you serve only 5 years? you serve in batches of three, if I remember right.

actually it's 4 years and you sign on for an extra year if you take an enlistment bonus.