By Anonymous - 27/01/2011 05:19 - United States

Today, as I was walking home, I passed some little girls who threw a bunch of snowballs at me. I dodged every single one, ran away laughing, and gave them the finger. I then ran into a snowman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 600
You deserved it 47 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You gave a bunch of little girls the finger? I'd say this is a fail even before you ran into that snowman.

perdix 29

It was a Chris Hansen snowman, and he busted you for fingering little girls.


maddyjayneexox 4

the funny part is the little girls see you as a great snow ball throwing target, and for all we know, they built that snowman hoping you would run in to it. Hahaa but flipping off children? Really... cough.karma.cough!

fthku 13

Why would you give little girls the finger? YDI for being an asshole. Someone should teach those girls not to do it though. Not because it's rude, because these days who knows what trouble they'll be getting themselves into.

mandi625 0

Wow. You're a real immature dick if you gave little girls the finger. You deserved that.

ahahaha! that would've been a funny sight to see

eric1152 0
EllaWeltner5 1

Ydi, dont flip off little kids.