By what.....? - 31/08/2012 23:40 - United States

Today, at college, we had a substitute philosophy teacher, because our professor is on bereavement leave. During his presentation, the sub managed to segue from the early works of Immanuel Kant straight into "the myth of the vaginal orgasm." I'm still shocked and highly confused. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 921
You deserved it 2 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well.... I bet his wife thinks he's great...

theslimshadylp 6

Please tell me more of this mythical ******.


ForS3ri0usn3ss 0

He is just looking for some female students to volunteer to show him the myth isn't true... Seriously.

He clearly believes in a more utilitarian than kantian philosophy: as long as someone comes we're doing well...

Argh I'm sorry, I hate to be the overly literal girl, but that's not really utilitarianism. Under util the best outcome would be a vaginal ****** because it would create more pleasure and the man's coming either way. Util is the maximization of pleasure (or minimization of harms)

fatalwish 6

sounds like he needs to go back to school

Act in such a way that you treat sexual stimulation, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end, but always at the same time as an end.

The_F3rris 11

Why does everyone think its a myth? Im a girl...we have men arent special...sorry to burst your bubble.

magnetic_aura 26

He wasn't addressing the "myth of the female ******" but rather ****** achieved through vaginal stimulation. Most women who do ******, do so through clitoral stimulation. Which (if a partner can find the ********) is an easier method to reach ******, usually.

magnetic_aura 26

Women can also reach vaginal ****** through thrusting alone. Though, from my understanding from what I've read, that's even rarer.

I am very similar to the sub, I can change any subject to something sex related. xD

XxVulcanxX 0

yo wtf? i was confused at the start untill female orgasim and then got lost again :P

So I guess he doesn't believe in vaginal orgasms because he's never had one?

kahnforyourmom 2

The myth of the vaginal ****** basically states that the ******** is the main "organ" involved in female ******. There are articles about...if anyone is interested.