By Conspiratea - 01/07/2018 19:00

Today, I'm in the hospital for a broken hip and cerebral hemorrhage, bedridden with a continuous headache. My roommate has dementia and shouts and cries all day about a hospital conspiracy where everybody is drinking tea all the time except her. This will be a long month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 474
You deserved it 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't you try explaining the situation and possibly being moved to another room?

OP - You have my sympathy! Those with dementia cannot be reasoned with, nor will they likely remember your explanations - that’s the nature of the beast. But do request to be moved to another room as soon as possible explaining why.


Can't you try explaining the situation and possibly being moved to another room?

Everyone smelled the situation I was having with my roommate after my heart attack and they couldn’t get either of us moved. No open beds. I felt bad for her, but it was miserable on me too. They kept finding me sleeping in the visitor area.

Same here. I tried to sleep in the corridor but the nurses refused to give me pain meds there, so I unfortunately had to go back to my room and try to sleep while covering my eyes and ears.

thatslifeiguess7 16

On the bright side you're alive. I had my hemorrhage 19 years ago this November

Buy her some tea when she is sleeping, when she wakes up then you start going off on a tangent about a conspiracy about everyone but you getting tea.

OP - You have my sympathy! Those with dementia cannot be reasoned with, nor will they likely remember your explanations - that’s the nature of the beast. But do request to be moved to another room as soon as possible explaining why.

You can easily ask to be moved into another room, how is this an FML?

Yeah, she can easily ask, but that doesn't mean that she gets moved to another room.

I've never seen a hospital so full that theres no other rooms, but then again who knows.

PenguinPal3017 19

Why are homeless people sad? They can easily ask for a home!

Make sure all of your friends and relatives bring you absurd quantities of tea when they visit you, and ask them to wear black hooded robes and mumble an incantation when they present the offering to you.

Donut_Wizard 23

Sounds like the beginning of a super hero origin story.

Ask your friends to bring you a dormouse, a teapot, a teacup, a high hat and a stuffed brown hare, then have a tea party with your roomate.

Ask your friends to bring you a dormouse, a teapot, a teacup, a high hat and a stuffed brown hare, then have a tea party with your roomate.

Could be worse. You could be a narcoleptic in a room with a necrophiliac.