By Anonymous - 14/05/2009 12:40 - Australia

Today, I am wearing a panda suit for the promotion of the restaurant I work at. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 324
You deserved it 15 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Panda Express? I love that place. It could be worse, you could be in a big hot dog, "Ask me about my wiener!"


LOL that's awesome. how's that an FML =P I'd so wear that XD

I need that suit for Anime Boston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol, my friend needs to be the Panda from Ranma 1/2!

Laiaira 0

--- Also, please people STFU. We come here to laugh, not read your 900 comments about how the OP should be grateful s/he has a job. That's a given, due to our current state of affairs.

How does that not make for an awesome day of work? You just got an awesome story and a sweet new facebook pic. This is totally good news. Am I missing something here?

bahahaaaaa. number 30 pretty much makes my life.

alwaysalady 0

Costumes like that still instill a child like terror in me.

JK2327 0

oh no you have a job when a ton of other people are out of work!