By run4fun - 23/06/2011 18:56 - United States

Today, I attempted to bleach my body hair so I wouldn't have to shave. A little while later, I realized that I'd also succeeded in bleaching my skin, which was incredibly noticeable. I'm hosting a pool party this weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 845
You deserved it 49 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ever heard of nair? It's awesome. I've used it for competitive swimming and diving. And I'm a dude BTW. It also smells good.

Hahaha YDI for being a complete and utter retard.

EPIC FAIL. Seriously. If you don't want to shave, that hair removal cream does a wonderful job in 20 minutes - so take a good book and put someone else on door and phone duty.

Alysin 14

I've seen an FML like this

even if u bleach it the hair is still there. now u have bleached skin and u still need to shave

LOL!! same thing happened to me xD my legs were 2 different colors

perdix 29

Call all your guests and tell them it's a Goth-themed pool party. Your pasty white skin will be da bomb!

sxe_beast 11
lisha88 1

I guess next time you'll just shave

julialoves0521 0

it doesnt take that much to shave you no!?!?!?