By embarrassed - 18/11/2010 02:31

Today, I auditioned for a part in a play. I've been practicing for months, and was very excited. After I'd finished singing, the director whispered something to the other judges, and they all laughed. Hard. So much for the lead role. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 781
You deserved it 3 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

It takes years of training to get good at singing. Then once you have a voice it would probably still take a couple months to learn the songs and nail the lead role. You might have underestimated this a little.

lenalee96 22

wow, that sucks. it's also happened to me before. =(


lenalee96 22

wow, that sucks. it's also happened to me before. =(

dont you know you have to suck the directors di*k to get the lead.

KittehSayzRAWR 0

Maybe they said, "She's horrible" sarcasticly.

suck it up that's what happens in theater... a lot

They didn't laugh at your voice, it was your lazy eye.

scottovious 0

Audirion naked next time. Or did you this time.... mayme that is why they laughed.

riggens7522 0

what is your pic supposed to be? no offense but it looks like a side view of a uterus

FYLDeep 25

It takes years of training to get good at singing. Then once you have a voice it would probably still take a couple months to learn the songs and nail the lead role. You might have underestimated this a little.

Well, either you underestimated your singing ability, or you need more coaching to be able to really nail it, or maybe you screwed it up because of nerves? It sucks that you put so much effort in to just be laughed at, but sometimes things happen. Or maybe there was something else they were laughing about? It might not have been the singing.

Stop thinking it's all about you. They could have been laughing about something else... Even if the laughter had to do with you, what does it matter? Take it in stride and work on your singing before the next musical. Get a vocal coach, improve yourself, get on with things.

ladyvader401 5

Aw, bummer, OP. Bad auditions suck. :-(