By maarkblack - 22/05/2013 14:51 - United States

Today, I awoke from a dream that I'd found an Arco gas station that had regular gas for $3.38. I actually went looking for it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 230
You deserved it 10 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dinosxxrawr 22

gas prices are ridiculous. if the place is real. please share.


blackvyper 8

You kidding me? I'm in Bavaria and has is the equivalent of $8.85 a gallon. If you're getting cheap gas then you should be happy about it.

Gas is actually $3.38 a gallon where I live. It was $2.99 in November so its been better but if you think thats a good price, crappy old Virginia Beach is the place for you.

danhello 2

Gas is 3.35 or less in Texas...

$3.99 to fill up my turbo diesel passat

masta1080 5

$3.14 here...guess it'd be more of a nightmare in my

Gas has been between 1.05-1.45 up here for years. So that's over $5/gal. Americans got some of the cheapest gas around, need to stop complaining! :p

Wouldn't blame ya, with gas prices today I'd love to be in that dream!