By KAAALIS - 16/03/2009 02:20 - United States

Today, I bit my boyfriend's neck. I felt something squirt into my mouth. Turns out I had just popped a pimple on his neck. Into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 738 247
You deserved it 495 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#5: many guys (myself included) dig neck-biting without being vampires. #9: it doesn't take much to pop a pimple if it's already near bursting. Everyone else: you're absolutely right, this is beyond disgusting.


omg, f your life. seriously. I'm terribly sorry for you right now, hahah

oops_oops 0

that's so disgusting. i think i threw up a little.

Oh my god that is disgusting. Don't you look before you bite? If he had acne I wouldn't be biting around. Ew. I feel so bad for you! Ugh. Did you puke?

Ugh i just choked on my donut reading this!! that's so gross!! I feel so bad for you. :(

eschreib 0

hahah #88. thats fuggin disgusting

wrestler_fml 0

You can't get mad at him, if you're the one that bit his neck! Eww haha at least you should've looked where you're biting. If you are dating a guy with pimples, you should have realized that by now, and it should have occurred to you not to bite one. And if it makes you feel any better, a pimple isn't anything more than skin and dead white blood cells/red blood cells. It's not actually that grimy or disgusting, like you won't get diseases or anything from it. It's less dirty than kissing, germ-wise. *shrug* maybe that helps? PS he probably didn't enjoy it too much either... it probably hurt a tiny bit, plus he was probly a little awkwarded-out