By expen_dable - 06/07/2009 05:55 - United States

Today, I came home and found out that my new roommate, who smokes half a pack of cigarettes a day and drinks heavily 5 nights a week, had smashed my $300 bong because "weed is a horrible and deadly drug that will kill you slowly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 554
You deserved it 36 919

expen_dable tells us more.

expen_dable 0

1. my roommates a girl 2. My old roommate and I both bought the bong and split the price but when she transferred colleges she let me keep it 3. my roommate does drink usually 5 nights a week and she is 19 so she isn't exactly law abiding either

Top comments

Ok. If he wants to play that game then go pour any bottle of booze he has in the house down the drain, crush any pack of smokes of his you see and give him the same line about booze and nicotine. That will either stop his hypocrisy or shut him the hell up.

I would have killed him. no exageration. he would be dead. I would have shoved the pack of cigs so far up his ass he would puke tobacco!


@ #9: ummm yeah, the drugs ozzy was doing WAS alchohol. @ #23: that's like saying that squirt guns are gateway weapons. @ #24: so therefore cigs and alcohol are OK because they are legal even tho they can kill you whereas weed CANNOT? moronic logic.

failgamer 7

Dude, you're also saying that weed is good, so I assume your some undereducated teen who smokes weed with his fail junkie friends behind the dumpster

well hes right... at least wat ur roommate does is legal... wat u do is ILLEGAL, so, really you dont have my sympathy... YDI...

So what gives the roommate the right to destroy their property? Just because smoking weed is illegal doesn't make what he did okay, especially since they're such a hypocrite about it.

expen_dable 0

1. my roommates a girl 2. My old roommate and I both bought the bong and split the price but when she transferred colleges she let me keep it 3. my roommate does drink usually 5 nights a week and she is 19 so she isn't exactly law abiding either

dcstream 0

You split the price. You both owned it. Wtf is the problem then?

expen_dable 0

"OLD ROOMMATE WHO TRANSFERRED AND LET ME KEEP IT" aka not my current bong smashing NEW roommate, but a previous one *sigh*

FYL...I'm not sure how you should respond, either. It won't help any if you start to **** with her back like most people are suggesting -- then you'll just have a roommate that's a bitch AND hates you instead of just a roommate who's a bitch -- but nothing will be solved. Stand up for yourself, though, especially in the face of such hypocrisy. She owes you $300 or a nice bong.

honestly, if your roommate is drinking underage, i think the best revenge is to simply call the cops the next time she gets plastered. >:)

Getting the law involved is probably a bad idea if she's doing pot herself...that's one level that this disagreement probably should not be escalated to.

aaaaa12345_fml 0

well if she hides all her shit first, then calls the cops, she wont get in trouble

omfg your stupid roommate is so hypocritical on every level!

WickedFan 12

Was the bong $300 and you and your roommate split the price or was that your share?

Piss in his booze. Break his cigarettes. The glass in his room-idea is good. Then, hide your weed (or smoke it all up), and report him. $300 is much. You can get it back.

kimmaye 0

who pays $300 for a bong!? i bet you pay the $65 a quarter too...

Twist9 0

A bong is an implement used for enjoying a substance considered with high regard by the owner. Some examples of other similar implements with similar price tags would be fine crystal used for drinking wine or other alcohol, or a hand-made pipe for smoking tobacco, many people spend $300 or more on these implements yet draw little criticism. The fact of the matter is that if you enjoy something you will likely want to make some sacrifices to enhance the experience, in this case they (the two people who purchased the pipe, see expen_dable's other posts for details) sacrificed $300 in order to enjoy a premium smoking experience with a fine-crafted water pipe. So to answer your question, many people pay $300 for a bong, and most of them enjoy it for years and think it was well worth the money. Also you are either from the West Coast or you don't know what you're talking about, $65 for a quarter will get you some alright mids here in the south-east, but headies for $55 an 8th is definitely the smoker's choice.

Did it ever occur to you that $300 might be just a TAD too much to spend on a bong? Especially when you could have, instead, bought $300 worth of weed.

true that, who the heck buys a $300 bong?? What else could you possibly use it for other than weed? But yeah, room mate is definitely a bigger idiot than you... for now. We'll see what kills ur brain faster, booze or weed. Self-righteous punks who are ALSO hypocrites really need to stop existing... Kick him/her out and hope they'll die on the streets... get rid of their gene pool.

Well, when you think of how much the weed you smoke out of a piece costs over the lifetime of the piece, even a $300 piece is a small fraction of the cost. Especially when you buy a nice piece that you leave in the home and can assume won't get broken or confiscated. Unless your roommate is a bitch. FYL.

Stories that have to do with weed bring out the most ignorant, conservative, ******* idiots on FML. Maybe if you didn't let the media spoon feed you exaggerated and downright wrong information about weed, you'd realize that the roomate who drinks and smokes is the one with the problem, despite the legality. Also, legality aside, you don't go around smashing shit your roomate paid a lot of money for just because of your skewed personal views. The roomate better pay for a new bong or you need to get rid off all her alcohol and cigarettes in a similar fashion.