By superfiedman - 04/08/2009 08:40 - United States

Today, I came home at noon from a long night out. I was surprised to see a woman I didn't recognize standing in my living room in a brown dress and heels. As I walked up to the door and knocked to be let in, the woman whipped around and I figured out who it was. My dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 502
You deserved it 3 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NGM_47 0

I wonder what you guys talked about after that, it must have been reeeeaaaaally awkward =/


ReportAbuse 0

I don't have a problem with dad being a cross-dresser, but I do think the OP's in for some very awkward conversations with his parents, and he's learned some stuff that he'd rather not know, so yeah, FYL in that respect.

Ydi for being a peeping tom at ur own house

kc2_fml 0

is your dad a twink or something? cause I don't think you could mistake a man in a dress for a women

That's awkward... I would never be able to look my father in the face without feeling weird ever again... FYL OP.

Unlike God, I do not hate gays/trans/etc...but, I have to admit it'd be a bit unnerving to find out that bit of personal info about my pops....I mean it kinda gave me a pretty squicky feeling when I found out about his BBW obsession, I can only imagine.

Hahaha just like Ed Wood! "I thought you were a fag" "No, no! I'm just a transvestite!"

generalsmith2 0

wtf? God doesn't hate gays/trans/etc/... educate yourself before making statements as facts.

elara15 0

God as written in the Bible does not hate gays. Following the same ancient standards, you could argue that the Christian God still hates rape victims. Just as warnings against eating shellfish and being in the same room as a menstruating woman were a response to the hygiene of the times, admonishments against homosexuality (and wanting to stone rape victims to death, if their father wasn't paid a fine by the rapist for spoiling his "property") were just a response to securing proper male heirs and procreation at any cost. Thanks for trying to be openminded, though.

generalsmith2 0

God as written in the Christian Bible does not hate gays. If you read the Bible it says He is a God of love. He hates the wrong people do, but not the people themselves. There is a difference.

hey man, once again, i'm gonna say it . I don't think it's disgusting, I don't think it's weird, that was just a really disturbing way to find out and was probably not the best way. keep in mind i was hungover. i promise i'm not a nazi.

dramakat11 0

It's understandable that you would find it disturbing because of the social norms we are raised with in this society. Men in drag make me do a double take too. As long as you accept him for who he is you are a good son. :-) I was more upset with the people going "OMG, I could never look my dad in the face again," and stuff like that.

I can understand this, definitely. :) I was actually about to post pretty much the same thing.

God also hates trolls and gullible retards. See you in hell, 57, 59, and 66.

A BBW fetish is FAR worse than crossdressing. ******* chubby chasers.

elara15 0

Even a joke deserves to be addressed.