By prewald92 - 07/03/2015 04:03

Today, I didn't get the promotion I interviewed for at work. A guy who's worked here for only two months did. My supervisor's reason: she doesn't think I'm going to amount to anything. I work at Home Depot to pay my way for college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 074
You deserved it 2 611

prewald92 tells us more.

OP here just to clarify a few things. The position was just part time supervising other cashiers and making sure they get their breaks on time. I've been with the store two years now but life goes on. As for college I take all my classes online and any classes I have to take on campus I have down to just going one day a week, so I can get hours to take care of my daughter.I was more offended by her comment but she can think whatever she wants.

Top comments

I'm sure you're more qualified, but she's probably looking for someone more long term. Since you'll probably leave when you have a better job opportunity in the future.

I'm sure that you'll be laughing at them once you get your degree and move on to bigger and better things!


I worked for Home Depot for 6 years, and experienced much of the same thing. They play their favorites, and if you're not a favorite you're out. My joke is the best thing that place did for me was introducing me to my now husband. Use them as a stepping stone.

If she says you won't amount to anythig, what are you taking in college... Are you getting a lit degree.. Haha only teasing

Just saying, she probably meant you won't amount to anything within the company because you're just using it as a stepping stone to higher education.

emanftw21 9