By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 20:53 - United States

Today, I discovered my step mom had thrown out my baby blanket because it was an "eyesore". It was an heirloom from my birth mother and the only thing I have left from her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 638
You deserved it 2 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

VeryNice329 0

wow. I'm sorry. that was a rude thing to do. tell her she's an eye sore.

Monikabug 9

That is so sad! Your step-mother should have told you that she was going to get rid of it before she just threw it away. That way you could have had a chance to hold on to it, even if you had to put it in your closet or somewhere. Your step-mom is a bitch for not understanding why you would hold such fond memories and feelings with that blanket, and I am sure your relationship with her will never quite be the same. So sorry, OP. FYL!


Something i CANNOT stand is when my parents go through my stuff and just take the right to throw out whatever they want. That's really sad, OP. FYL.

If it's that important then go through the trash and get it. If today wa garbage day for the OP, than FYL.

TapeMan_3000 0

why would this guy deserve it?!? who could say that?

ashlieghhmarie21 0

I hate step moms they are emotionally abusive bitches!!

out of the misshaps, you'd think parents would have learned their lesson. if your kid has not thrown it out already, they probably have some use of it and it's a sign to NOT THROW IT OUT

taussie 0
MrTeabag420 0

I come on fml to laugh, but this just made me sad :(

thas insanley mean. i would be crying, but i hope you stayed strong.

mn_mpls 0

take something that means a lot to her and throw it away or ruin it. tell her it was an eyesore. cough*car*cough

XYZzzzzzzz 0

i still have my "blankies" as i call them. i will keep them until there is but one fiber left, and keep that too. hah!

i hate mean freinds mom wouldnt let him go to his soon to be sisters baby shower just becsuse she is a dick to his dad

MetroidSlayer01 8

wow, after having just read an FML about some chick who broke up with a guy mid-flight, I had almost giving up on FML. God bless you, op, for restoring my faith that people really can post real stories that are really ******. I salute you. fyl!

I agree with 174. That fml was well.....I'll leave everyone else to finish my sentence.

awe, so sorry. some say that revenge is sweet. maybe take something she treasures and toss in the trash.

show your stepmom what a sore eye feels like.

tehamericanboy94 0

Shotgun your step mom = do it.

Today, I went to prison. For what, you ask? for shooting my step mom in the head. because everyone from fml told me to. fml

treat her the way she treated your prized possesion and throw her ass out.

Pink_Butterflies 0

Find a new blanket and smother her with it. Profit.

icychill67 1

lol thats what I was gonna to say

Wow...your stepmom is such a bitch! Blank/beat her! That is so wrong! Im sorry for your loss :( *hands OP sniper rifle* You may need this! Best used on stupid cold-hearted bitches! :)

yea NOT ok. thats a bad look. that chic needs to be out scouring the world looking for it. by her choice or not! ohh no she didn't!!!

I'm a stepmum and I love my stepson more than anything in this world and I couldn't possibly love him anymore if I gave birth to him myself. He lives with his mum during the week and I live for the weekends when he stays with me and my husband. Nothing makes me happier than waking up to his cuddles. Screw you for generalizing that all stepmums are evil.

sjisje 0

Well I'm very cold hearted but I still vot FYL

TempestJones 0

@NatzSwifey: I am in the same boat as you with 3 stepdaughters. Not all stepmoms are evil bitches. Hell my stepdaughters want to live with us, and all call me mom and say they can't stand their biological mother. It's not because I spoil them either. I am the main punisher and rule maker in our house. It's because I love them. So on that note I have to wonder if the stepmom even knew the blanket had that significance?

GrizzlyLover93 0

hey 234, not all step moms are bad it's that some(this fml being a prime example) are. and that's where the general consensus comes from. my dad remarried to a really nice woman.....then unfortunately things didn't work out so now she's gone(moved out, not dead) I do see what you're saying and I agree not ALL step moms are bad

GrizzlyLover93 0

ouch, that really blows... sorry dude

GrizzlyLover93 0

that^ was for 13 SelfGenocide

this makes me want to cry. that bitch. I am so sorry.

I mean like, wow. that must be emotianallh distressing. Shun the bitch. destroy her stuff, pour boiling water on her "eyesore" of a face. That territorial bitch. probably wants to eliminate every last trace of your birth mother from your life.

my thoughts exactly. OP- if it means that much, ontop of revenge, talk to you step mother AND father about it together. make her feel like shit

Sooner or later those kids will throw out their stuff and clean their rooms. If not, it's a bad parenting sign.

harvest your stepmoms organs, burn them, get high on the fumes, then throw her corpse out. or something along those lines. but srsly don't put up with that shit.

smellyoldlady 0

how bout u use an iron on her face

dump all the trash in the stepmoms room and look for the blanket.

@17 I second that motion, my stepdad does the same shit to me step parents suck ass! well... 90% I like my soon to be step mum

MetroidSlayer01 8

I broke my parents up from an out burst at my step mum by calling her a bitch =/ my dad is now a happier person

even though she didn't know, thts cruel... I feel sorry for u :(

hwkfan1 10
Saiiyko 0

#128. I agree completely. my stepmom threw a couple of things out that had a lot of meaning to me. I wanted to so badly go through her stuff and throw out her sh*t. I didn't but thinkig back on it I should have. I have a blanket that i've had since I was 2. it was my uncles and he passed away when I was 5. everyone knows not to mess with it. and if anyoe ever tries to do anything to it I would throw out everything that meant anything to them. no joke. btw I'm 20. so I've had it for a long while now. I feel for you OP. I'm very sorry that happened to you. I hate stepmoms. well I hate mine.

agreed teach her wat a real eye sore is

THREAD JACKERS!! haha, i'm such a hypocryt (sp?)

kill her *gives OP a sniper rifle* and take this if u are a bad shot *gives OP a shotgun*

Damn.. That sucks. I would be so pissed. I'm sorry.

you are hot :D as for op, I feel sorry

Well thank you too lol. And my comment before this was sarcastic.. Aimed at the person who called me weird.. lol.

MetroidSlayer01 8

lmao! your hot, weird, and funny! way to make a sad fml funny people XD

If I could, I'd just want a kiss ;) and you'd be in my heart forever

kittykat1501 31

Weird is good. Sarcasm, not so much

VeryNice329 0

wow. I'm sorry. that was a rude thing to do. tell her she's an eye sore.

joce445 0

ahahahaha I love that! she probably is an eye sore!! also, I'm soo sorry OP. That was a terrible thing for her to do.

topherweaver 0

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#84 every time I see ur profile pic it makes me laugh a little.

saywaturcoco 0

@84 don't u dare even try to flip me off!! lmao jks :-O

Monikabug 9

That is so sad! Your step-mother should have told you that she was going to get rid of it before she just threw it away. That way you could have had a chance to hold on to it, even if you had to put it in your closet or somewhere. Your step-mom is a bitch for not understanding why you would hold such fond memories and feelings with that blanket, and I am sure your relationship with her will never quite be the same. So sorry, OP. FYL!

Agreed. I don't normally condone vengeance but I am just dying to break into this woman's place and throw away anything that looks like it might be precious to her. That's just mean-spirited. Unless it was a huge blanket laying around in the main room of the house, how was it in her way at all? If you want to keep eyesores in your room, it should be your business. FYL

chances are she kept her wedding dress... get creative with things she loves

270- I'd take a dump on it and say "Oh sorry, was this an heirloom of your marriage?"

BooHaUrScared 0

you should track her down nothing is a better heirloom than a memory. unless she's dead then I would sue that horrible person

joecelticsballa 0
FHGrif 0

No... I'm so sorry, and I mean it.

XxKeLs3yxX 0

you should throw away something sentimental to her =D

mexicantumblewee 0

dude that is one he'll of a moustachio

curiouscat125 0

wow fyl for having a bitch like that for a stepmom...I'm sorry