By meesmees - 23/11/2013 10:48 - United States - Severna Park

Today, I ended up talking to a homeless man and bought him a meal. In return, he hugged me and groped my ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 811
You deserved it 6 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Grauncho 27

Looks like he got dessert with that meal.

The ass grope. By definition the best way to thank someone.


JudgeComrade 17

True, but it doesn't hurt as much as being told you're an asshole. I've had my share of that when I gave food or money to homeless people. At least the homeless guy I helped last time was better: Me: "Here ya go: a foot-long roast beef, a bag of chips, and a bottled water! Try to stay hydrated!" Him: *stares at me in confusion* Me: "Well, I hope you enjoy it!" Him: *stares at me in confusion* Me: "All right, then. Have a good day..." Him: *stares at me in confusion until I back up slowly and drive away in my car* Wait... Maybe that wasn't the kind of roast beef he was asking for. Oh, for Pete's sake.