By honutattoo - 19/12/2009 08:29 - United States

Today, I finally came home from a semester of college, and all my parents and sister can talk about is how bad my acne has gotten. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 992
You deserved it 3 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that sucks. I'm sorry that's all they care about, maybe go hang with other family or friends until they realize is not that big of a deal

Derek321 2

I'm sorry man. I had cystic acne a few years ago. I finally had to use acutane, so I haven't had a pimple in years now, though my skin is always dry. I feel your pain... -Ty


haha at least they notice that rather than some other epic change acne is temporary, so thts always a plus

Maybe the acne WAS an epic change. Either that or they need an excuse to talk about something having to do with you. Maybe you're just too boring.

or perhaps they cant help but talk about you and its the newest change?

Well that sucks. I'm sorry that's all they care about, maybe go hang with other family or friends until they realize is not that big of a deal

Venge_fml 0

Well, they could always talk about how bad your grammar has got.

you beat me to it! At college and still can't manage to use proper grammar.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

uh-oh, it's the Badass High Schooler Whiny Grammar Queen of the Day! While other kids his age are out having healthy and fulfilling lives, this guy right here spends all his free time and weekend nights correcting grammar on insignificant leisure websites, thinking it gives him a purpose in life! Sadly he does not realize that no one cares, this is a joke website where it doesn't matter, and he will turn out to be a pedophile/shut in/deranged loner in his older years! So we salute you, Grammar Queen! We hope you enjoyed this one moment in time where you took the razor off your wrists, got all giddy, commented on grammar, and sat back waiting for praise from other commenters on this website!

..... Like you have room to talk about grammar?

waterynuggets 0
Venge_fml 0

Damn...Try my hand at observational humor and the angst squad ambushes me. I'll have to be more subtle... Hee hee. That guy has acne laaaawl.

expen_dable 0

LMAO at Kaleidoscope eyes. But now that guy is probably going to shoot up a school or post a Myspace bulletin about how he wants to kill himself. "Wait, people DON'T think I'm a genius for correcting grammar on I thought people would be so in awe of my intelligence, they would freeze at their keyboards!"

expen_dable 0

Wait, so Kaleidoscope writes ONE comment making fun of people who nitpick at grammar, and HE needs a life, but the people who sit on Fmylife all day correcting grammar don't? Someone has some twisted logic...

lem0n_fml 0

Wow, Back_in_action, you decided to be a pretentious little snob because someone made a hilarious comment about grammar nazis. Take your own advice. And lighten up a bit. :)

Lol haha! #10 owns! Seriously, this is a website for fun, no one gives a crap about grammer...

RebekahBrooke 9

back in action, you need a treadmill ;D and #10 I love youuu(: grammar nazis are annoying. but useful when funny.

wow..60 is a bitch queen. ten was Lolz

if it makes you feel any better, you're not alone! :P

Sarunas23 0

aww...well at least yur parents think of your looks not yur brain :DDD

Derek321 2

I'm sorry man. I had cystic acne a few years ago. I finally had to use acutane, so I haven't had a pimple in years now, though my skin is always dry. I feel your pain... -Ty

This is a mean and juvenile way of expressing that they feel threatened by your new independence and knowledge.