By anon80214 - 30/05/2011 19:15 - United States

Today, I finally convinced my girlfriend to let me give her a foot massage after she had a long day at work. Halfway through, she fell asleep. Wanting to see how ticklish she actually was, I started to tickle her feet. She then kicked me straight in the nuts whilst sleeping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 956
You deserved it 63 585

anon80214 tells us more.

Yeah, I probably did deserve that one.

Top comments


kkins 0

that's what happens when you try to be nice :p

lextheplex 0

hahaha I always hit my bf in the crotch on accident whilst awakXD

how is it that u had to convince her to let u give her a foot massage?

liy223 6
rockyraccoon28 8

YDI. I would have done the same thing.

HahaYDI 0

You either have a foot fetish, or you're whipped, based on the wording of this. Either way, sucks to be you.

something tells me Justin bieber posted this... -__-

I feel sorry for ya, at least it wasn't on purpose like DAVID THACKER would have done.....

atomicbaboon 0

no, OP got kicked in the balls, not the ******.