By Mark - 13/08/2009 22:30 - United States

Today, I finally got the courage to approach a girl. I've never done anything like this before. She stared me down, not saying a word, until I felt so little that I just walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 745
You deserved it 8 779

Same thing different taste

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Why would you expect her to say something? You walked up to her.

I don't think any of you understand what staring down means. She wasn't looking at him with her head cocked to the side, big round eyes peering innocently out from behind golden curls. If she was staring him down, she knew why he was there, and she wanted him to know how deeply she despised him for trying. I feel for you, OP.


Show some backbone next time. Kinda sad that you lose confidence just because a girl is looking at you.

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Jazzywrites007 2

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HahaYDI 0

Lol you failed epicly... But I gotta know something, if you were so close why would you look like a complete retard by walking away, it makes you look stupid and she probably knew what you were going to ask anyway...I say give up on her because you looked pretty damn sad back there. Find an ugly girl and set the bar low, then you will get confidence!!! Problem solved!!

I don't think any of you understand what staring down means. She wasn't looking at him with her head cocked to the side, big round eyes peering innocently out from behind golden curls. If she was staring him down, she knew why he was there, and she wanted him to know how deeply she despised him for trying. I feel for you, OP.

So maybe she was being a bitch and "staring him down," but I'm going with the much likelier scenario that the girl was just really confused by some random dude walking up to her and just standing there. It was probably a confused look. I mean, look at the evidence we have here. With sentences like, "I finally got the courage to approach a girl," and "I've never done anything like this before," I'm willing to bet this kid is just a bit emotionally stunted. And he was probably feeling really nervous and vulnerable, so he was more likely to take her "confused look" as her "staring him down." Besides, do we really want to take this poor guy's word on someone else's body language? He probably doesn't have too much experience with that either, honestly. :/

why would he want to go out with an ugly girl

michaelscot23 0
MiGman 5

at least this didn't happen to you after you fell in love with her

Macromartyr 3
slushpup9696 12
failsatlife6 0

awww dont be afraid. it really isnt that bad :]

JocelynKaulitz 28

Raj from The Big Bang Theory??

I agree. It's hard to top an FML like this... Hope this is coming from a 12 year old, rather than a grown (or not so grown) man.

#3 I've seen much more depressing FMLs than this. You know the ones where wives cheat on their husbands several times and the husband barely seems to care, that is the stuff you should find depressing. It's amazing how people these days don't really see the REAL faults in people, such as ignorance, instead of petty stuff like lack of self-confidence.

blargity 0

#42 he obviously has male reproductive organs to lose

What are #1 and #2 talking about? FYL! You must be scarred for life now. Don't worry, there are nice girls out there for nice guys like you.

XxRocker94xX 0

And how do you know op is nice...?

Because "bad" guys wouldn't walk away like this and write an FML about it.

It was a test I think. Guess you failed

that was my thought. Girls like guys with confidence. You sir, are someone destined to be alone until you grow some balls and a backbone.

failsatlife6 0

just think positively next time! :D

Why would you expect her to say something? You walked up to her.

akalisser 0

I think in this case you let your nerves get the best of you. I'm sure she wasn't staring you down evilly, you're just insecure and perceived it that way. Hopefully you can start to build up your confidence and have better luck next time.