By Anonymous - 03/11/2012 01:23 - Canada - Bedford

Today, I finally lost my virginity to my boyfriend. It hurt like hell, was over in less than a minute, and he tried to reuse the condom for a second round. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 005
You deserved it 6 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should give the guy some credit, at least he tried. First time is not always what you imagine it to be.

Look on the bright side. Your sex life can only improve :-)


And the next 3 or 4 times are going to be really gnarly, too. Just remember, if the glove don't fit, you must aquit! Kudos on the safe sex, sweetheart!

noisebox 1

Good thing he didn't mount an (ass)ault from the rear, it's on the horizon watch out!

karen1991 15

Looks like it was his first time too

Pensu 12

I'm sorry your sexual debut was such a disappointment. Next time, tell him to take it slow and make sure to use tons of lube!

ohwhoaa95 6

It's not going to be a perfect fantasy OP.

Yeah...sorry. No one ever tells us how much it hurts the first was absolutely excruciating the first couple times, but after that it's awesome. But please, don't let him reuse the condom.

Honey, first time sucks most of the times.