By InsertPopcicle - 22/11/2013 06:53 - United States

Today, I forgot I left my tampons in a grocery bag packed with food that I put into the fridge. I realized two hours later while frantically looking for a tampon. I'm still cold down there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 171
You deserved it 12 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who puts an entire bag of groceries into the fridge? Don't you have a system according to which items are organised in there? You know, like normal people?

you may be on to something there OP. cold temperatures slow the rate of blood flow and help with muscle cramps. now it only matters if sticking a popsicle up there is worth the results


Oh god, it's one of those awkward moments where a chill up your spine is unacceptable isn't it.

So you're saying your tampons come pre-moistened? Because obviously they'd need to contain liquid to make a lasting impression temperature wise. It's cotton. How interesting...

Well, even cotton has minute amounts of moisture within it. Not to mention the air within a fridge is extremely humid as well...

LordAres_fml 9

But do people really put a full grocery bag into the fridge? I assumed everyone unpacked their groceries to put them where they need to go

#78 cold affects EVERYTHING. Might be a surprise, I know.

That's why you take the groceries out of the bag before putting them in the fridge.

At least you didn't mistaken it for a tea bag.

I've seen gifs and other jokes similar to this comment, but it just doesnt seem like a high enough possibility to warrant so many people joking about it.

theBadGuy37 9
iLike2Teabag 27
StompinOnCrayons 15

This is Giovanna Plowman all over again

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

3- What ******* teabags are you using? Mine look nothing like a tampon.

Maybe I'm just being incredibly obtuse today, but I don't get it.

you may be on to something there OP. cold temperatures slow the rate of blood flow and help with muscle cramps. now it only matters if sticking a popsicle up there is worth the results

How would cold ease cramps? That just sounds so much more painful to me.

Your internal body heat will melt it before it can even do anything...

Really? Every girl in my family cannot have anything cold while on their periods. it makes us feel worse and have worse cramps

#58 - If you mean eating cold things, that is rather different than cold applied to upset muscles.

72- not just eating anything cold. we need hot patches, the hotter the better. i hate getting my periods in winter because the cramps tend to hurt more

im seriously wondering why im downvoted? im not saying they were wrong... im just stating surprise of the fact that my family is the opposite of what's actually supposed to be fact... are we not allowed to express our thoughts?

Popscicles will cause infection...but this is still true. Coldness on the muscles can relieve pains. And a heating pad on the stomach will also help. Definitely might be on to something here.

amayasoma 19

At least it wasn't in the freezer..

I'm still waiting for all the "You must be frigid" comments as it is. ;)

Who puts an entire bag of groceries into the fridge? Don't you have a system according to which items are organised in there? You know, like normal people?

ElementaryEdGuy 18

I've done it before. It doesn't stay like that, but sometimes if I have to go somewhere right after grocery shopping I will put the bags of groceries in the appropriate places. Then I'll organize it when I come home.

My roommates used to do it all the time. It got so annoying. I can understand it if you're running late, but if you just go sit your ass at the TV and watch Ghost Hunters, then we got a problem.

Maybe it was just meat or something? Chicken being thawed? I know if it's meat being thawed or cooked soon after getting home with groceries we always just shove the bag itself into the fridge, to prevent blood going everywhere. I suppose, those tampons were in the right bag if this is the case.

Maybe it was just for the time being? Especially since OP is on her period. I know full well that if I was having bad cramps and feeling shitty, I'd just shove the groceries in the fridge to deal with them later. Mind you, I get cramps so bad that there's no way I'd be able to make it to the grocery store in the first place.

ladypunk 8

But why would you put the whole bag in the fridge?