By Xav_Cad - 11/01/2009 11:14 - France

Today, I found a deodorant spray underneath the counter of the snack place I work in, so gave it a go to see what it smelled like. It's currently the peak season, and so I had quite a few clients in line in front of me, but it seems they'll now have to wait a couple of days for the restaurant to have all the remnants of the CS gas spray cleaned up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 097
You deserved it 23 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would there be tear gas in a RESTAURANT?

BlaBlaBla_95 0

why would you even use deodorant spray in public?


BlaBlaBla_95 0

why would you even use deodorant spray in public?

EmDizzle2007 28

what about it being spray deodorant changes anything?? and they didn't "use" it, they wanted to smell it.

i love CS gas that shit will clear a head cold in half a secound.

Why would that be under the counter in a snack place??? I've never had CS gas at anyplace I've worked at!

freelantic 0

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alliewillie 22

You're the asshole. It says in the FML op thought it was deodorant and sprayed it to smell it.

Yeah. Not sure why you had to be a dick 29, but congrats.

marines_fml 0

Well...wat would The marines Do.... Idk im jk

run, shout 'Marine Corps!Marine Corps!' and punch a pillow i believe.

xyzkid13 0

Wow... Why in the heck would tear gas be under the counter in the first place? Not COMPLETELY your fault, but you shouldn't have tried a random deordorant that was in a snack food counter. Almost YDI, almost.

unomo 0

if someone tries to rob them duhhhhhh

Hahahaa. FYL for working somewhere CS gas is needed. 'want any CS with that, sir?'

soccerboy101 0

In case there's a robber u idiots

michael666 7

because you always crack open a can of tear gas when your store is being robbed, DIPSHIT.

was it a green cyllinder marked with a red stripe? In that case, YDI for cracking a tear gas grenade

MiGman 5

#14 it was probably a small canister of it and not a grenade. and for other people: off there was a robber I'm pretty sure you wouldn't unleash some CS