By Anonymous - 23/12/2013 00:58 - United States - Dekalb

Today, I found out I was passed over for the promotion I've wanted for 9 months at the fast food restaurant I work in. Who got the job? The 16 year old girl I trained 2 weeks ago. Their excuse was, "She has ambition." I'm going to college for food service management. She failed her drug test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 552
You deserved it 4 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bman5064 11

$100 she's sucking your managers french fry

She's still working there even though she failed a drug test?


mattdaviess 6

I have a feeling she gave him some special services to get that promotion

Coocooawesome 4

She sucked a dick for that job

yea "ambition"..with the boss or sounds like

She slept with somebody. She had to have.

You could DEFINITELY have a possible lawsuit on your hands here, OP. Call a lawyer, see if you can get something out of this or maybe you could own a new fast food chain :D

Did you ever think your attitude might be the problem? Don't get angry at the person who got the promotion. Figure out why they'd rather promote someone who has been working there for 2 weeks instead of you.

I had this happen to me at a previous job. Except I ended up training two different people to be my boss. No matter what I did, they always had an excuse for why they couldn't promote me. I was even told the pay difference was so great that it prevented them from bumping me up. Get your degree and get out. You'll be happier in the long run.

edmondk85 4

You shou tell him you hope the bj was worth it and report a complaint to corporate.