By Anonymous - 08/12/2015 16:46 - United States - Lehigh Acres

Today, I found out my husband pretends to be a young, bisexual woman online. As if that isn't bad enough, he flipped out and didn't believe me when I told him the other "young, bisexual women" he's been beating it to are probably middle-aged men too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 338
You deserved it 1 679

Same thing different taste


This is what causes people to believe that bisexuality isn't real.

Not really, that's just people being stupid all by themselves.

As a young, bisexual woman, I can confirm that we absolutely are all middle aged men.

GingerRoot 13

I support the above statement

Why people can't have a normal midlife crisis?

Would it really be a crisis if it was normal?

I'm 15 and sometimes I catfish guys into sending dick pics which I jack off to. After that I just question my choices, sexuality, and overall existence.

andrmac 25

#28 just use Grindr app or website you wouldn't have to catfish to get dick pics there.

Nah it's more fun to see their reaction when I'm done. One guy I'm friends with now.

If you're only 15, getting those kind of pictures is illegal since they're giving sexually explicit content to a minor. Even worse if they're a minor too, that's considered child pornography.

Not to mention don't any of people like 28 ever question their morals? holy damn

countryb_cth 38

It's kind of funny how you guys don't realizes that #42 is joking.

My concern would be the damage he's doing to other people.

What a coincidence, so am I! OK, I lied; I'm actually a lesbian trapped in a man's body. My wife concurs.

I feel sorry for all the young bisexual females out there, men want to be them, other women don't believe they exist. Must be a hard life.

Axel5238 29

Wow, that's messed up though it makes me wonder about the age of the husband. This while sad is something you'd might hear from a high school or college student.