By cumbucket cops - 16/03/2014 17:53 - United States - Barberton

Today, I found out that my unemployed husband has his own web-comic, that he makes money off it, and that it mainly involves the main character's airhead, money-grubbing wife ruining his life. She looks strikingly like me and shares my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 553
You deserved it 7 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's the name of the comic? That sucks, though. If he's unemployed, I assume you two have just been living off your income. So, if he is making some on the side, that is not fair to you that you have to cover all expenses when he might be capable of contributing, too.


m22100 14

Is it legal to marry someone with the maturity of a 5 year old?

I'd say that's pretty mature, actually. Channelling how someone annoys you into a money making venue instead of getting angry and blowing up. I'm impressed

But seeing as she believed he was unemployed, he is obviously keeping the money for himself. That makes him a douchebag in itself.

Make your own comic about a fat useless lard who is unappreciative of his lifeline.

Now I'm curious as to which webcomic this is. Doesn't sound like any of the ones I read regularly.

Do you think there's a reason for that?

sammyjanette 17

What reason could that be? If she is the sole breadwinner how could she be considered a money grubber as he has no money to grub. He's hoarding his money and not contributing to household expenses. He makes a better case for a money grubber than she does. Also, if the OP is ruining his life he could leave. Instead he prefers to be an immature leach who complains about his wife instead of talking to her about the problems that he has.

its inconsiderate that he based the character around her... but would it really be funnier if it were a male? he's appealing to popular stereotypes more than anything imo.

Now I just can't help but wonder if your husband has ever been featured in the Illustrated FMLs. We(I) need answers. D:

Well, at least you're relatively famous OP!

While I symphatize with you, Does he know that you are known in FML as "cumbucket cops"? another story for his comic strip if he had known, for sure!

I assumed the name was the name of the comic, is that not the case then?

I dont think it is. And my google-fu is rusty, it turned out nothing. I found somebody dedicated enough and widens his search using forums and boards just to find the name of the web comic.

Well at least he is thinking about you most of the time..