By Jessica S. - 06/09/2012 11:15 - United States - Louisville

Today, I found out that the mysterious and creepy weirdo guy that continuously sends me messages on Facebook is my manager at my new job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 457
You deserved it 2 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It would be silly to quit. It's Kentucky - your chances are very high that anyone you work with will be creepy and weird.

Hey if you play your cards right you could have a nice raise pretty soon!


afer85 4

If he is that creepy, I would quit and inform the HR or if he is really crazy, call the cops.

"Gee, I was wondering why they were so eager to hire me..."

Maybe he does that to all the new employees to find out if they're using Facebook when they should be working?

KiddNYC1O 20

If only someone would stop messaging her!! You should proof read.

I'd consider trying to look for a new job. In this economy, you might just have to put your head down and work. Or, if it becomes worse, time to call the police.

perdix 29

Don't think of them as creepy messages, think of them as the evidence in your sexual harassment lawsuit. Ka-ching!

atleast he isn't calling you white trash because you wear cowboy boots with shorts that's the relationship I have with my manager :/

Pic or it didn't happen... Love me some Daisy Dukes!

"hey I just met you and this is crazy I have a facebook so stalk me maybe"