By Daddy - 10/11/2008 12:06 - France

Today, I gave my son a bollocking for losing a very important paper that I needed for work. I've just found it in my right pocket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 470
You deserved it 59 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xMooMoox 0

Son you lost my paper go canoe in that lake!!! It means an argument you guys.

F14Shado 0

I think that means beating..


nfwgdnjvdjcvgwfdjgsjrusntodbsgacafwfwtgrurgdmcncsfqsfwjrhhejrvvrqeitlrvcehrneuggrktjenylrhvwjfmrhs yo

all of you who don't know what a row is... expand your vocabulary. also, I hope that you're a decent enough person to apologize to your kid who did absolutely NOTHING wrong!

informed 0

thanks for telling me what it is smarty mcfarty(#23) it means to upbraid severely (scold/yell)

wow_badfml 0

lol #10 ha. he jacks off. And OP i'm sorry you beat your child for no reason. : (

awww...poor kid! u shud be ashamed of urself! :(

the poor kid even if it was his fault that was still really cruel and i bet he was telling u that it wasn't his fault u should really listen to your son

Really0_o 0

my dad beat my ass when I was a kid for not flushing, and then lying about it. Turned out hes the one that left the monster in the pot! @$$hole, make sure you know your kids did it before assuming. assume = ASS out of U and ME. YDI

christa953 12

ok a row means to scold. look it p before assuming what it means because it's not as bad as it sounds

christa953 12

why is everyone saying it's cruel to scold your kid?

Lizbo415 0