By anonymous - 08/09/2015 12:35 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I got a date after being alone for the past 2 years. The girl who my friends set me up with began asking my monthly income, my current occupation, and asked if I have a credit card account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 458
You deserved it 2 035

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make sure to give your social security number too

At least you found out earlier as opposed to later.


Make sure to give your social security number too

TheGamingNirvana 18
Kaalschneid 21

does Canada have social security numbers? (American questions)

Its called Social Insurance Number here or (SIN)

Those sound like reasonable questions any woman looking for a sugar daddy would ask.

acerredrum 23

Not necessarily, they may not have known she was like that, she could have been cool af around them. It is possible for someone to be an awesome friend but horrible once they put someone in the relationship-zone.

Gold digger ! What great friends you have btw.

Not his friends' faults, people have different personalities in different situations. Some are better at expressing it than others.

maybe not. maybe she wants someone with good credit and a job. not saying she needs to know his income, but you also don't want to get in deep and realize he's got no job and will later ruin your credit.

Asking his job should suffice. No need to ask about income and credit so early in relationship.

At least you found out earlier as opposed to later.

Id watch out for her. But, at least you had a date!

JustinJK 21

I ain't sayin she a gold digger, but she ain't messin with no broke niggas

Last time there was a FML like this I made the same comment, it got moderated, haha.

The best way to win girls is to give them your account number, your PIN, your passport, and your soul

demonddm 24

girls like her is why a lot of guys look at girls as gold diggers who just want a man to take care of them. i am sorry you got set up with that kind of girl.

That is scary, but hey I almost got married to a guy that had a horrible credit score. I wasn't about to merge mine with his.

You gotta know who you're marrying, I agree. But this was a first date!!!

My husbands credit and mine are still separate even after we got married. Either way, I don't think I would not marry someone based on their credit score. I had horrible credit as soon as I turned 18 because my mom bought me a gym membership when I was 14, but she never paid it off. Because it was under my name (even though I never signed anything), it automatically went on my credit. Thankfully I was able to fix it with relative ease but it was a pain in the ass to begin with. Just saying, you never know why their credit score may be low. Doesn't mean they aren't marriage material.

#48, Did you challenge the gym membership being on your credit report? My financial advisor told me you can do that when fraud is involved. I think you may have been able to have it removed since it was created for you when you were a minor and you didn't sign anything. Just wondering, if you don't mind me asking. I've got all sorts of stuff my ex husband opened on my credit report dragging my credit score down that I'm going to start challenging soon. If it goes through, and my financial advisor thinks it will, my credit score should rocket upwards.

I had horrible credit when I got married and in the last 20 years still improved both my income and credit led to marriage, not either party's credit worthiness!

RedPillSucks 31

however, it can be a concern. your credit scores won't merge, but when you marry, you become responsible for each other's debts, so...

What, 113? That's not true at all. I couldn't get the court to assign responsibility to my ex husband for the debts he took out in my name. And even if I could, it wouldn't matter anyway. The creditors would still be coming after me, not him, because the debts are in my name. I think the only time a partner's bad credit affects their partner is when they're buying a house together.

amelitaliz 22

You and 113 are from two different countries :) might be that credit works differently there. Just a thought!

olpally 32

No, no and no... Thanks for playing though, bitch. Your friends suck ass btw! :/

Well aren't you just a pleasant ziplock bag of cocks?