By Anonymous - 11/07/2009 19:22 - Canada

Today, I got a parking ticket for $150. It seems it was issued by my husband, who apparently can't remember license plate numbers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 025
You deserved it 31 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you ought to have got the parking ticket... you deserved it. Acting like he should bend the rules for you is idiotic, and a risk of his job security.

Just because your husband is a police officer doesn't mean that you can break the law. YDI


lmao. that sux... u shouldnt think just bc ur husband is a police that u can do watever u want... but i still put FYL...

Seti_fml 0

this FML is worded really poorly.

you people are so full of yourselves it is ridiculous. . . I have never heard of a cop losing their job for neglecting to write up a parking ticket, and had you people been in the same situation you wouldnt expect your husband to be the one to write you a ticket.

klynr 0

just show up at court to dispute it and tell him not to automatically win and don't have to pay.

iambatman123 0

If you think you should have gotten away with breaking the law just because your husband's a cop, you definitely deserved it. Don't assume he doesn't remember license plate numbers just because he gave you a ticket. You're not above the law just because he has a position of power.

hanic101 0

You know your husband could lose his job if he didn't give you a ticket so if you like you husband employed I would stfu.

I call BS on this. Police don’t give parking tickets that’s parking enforcement. Even if you were parked on a city street they still need to call parking enforcement to give out the ticket.

Hey, at least you now know you're married to an honest man. =)

As others have said, just because you are married to a cop, it is okay to park where ever you want and probably drink and drive too and you shouldn't be penalized for it? Where does the line stop for you? YDI all of the way for parking illegally and thinking that you could get a way with it and kudos to your husband for doing his job as he should!