By Jay - 04/11/2017 04:00

Today, I got called into the principal's office of my son's school. Why? He'd called his teacher a "fudge packer". No more weekends with his uncle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 286
You deserved it 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

never heard this before... what does it mean?

He should be ashamed of himself for using such vernacular. The proper term is SCPE ... Sucrose Confection Parcel Engineer!!!


He should be ashamed of himself for using such vernacular. The proper term is SCPE ... Sucrose Confection Parcel Engineer!!!

Why did he get in trouble? No one likes loose, unconsolidated fudge. Fudge is best when it is firmly packed.

never heard this before... what does it mean?

It's someone that works in a fudge factory.

Based_Arthur 20

It’s a derogatory term for gay people

Ishvah 15

really? I thought it meant a white person sleeping with a black guy. shows how much I know.

Suaria 38

Derogatory term for gay men to be more specific from the comment above.

Elizabeth McElveen Horne 19

It's a crude term for a homosexual man engaging in anal sex. If you need more explanation, I'm not sure what to say.

I learn something new here every day.

boopingsnoot 24

It's a homophobic euphamism for someone who is on the receiving end of anal sex

Giving end, actually. They're the ones packing the "fudge", rather than having their own "fudge" packed.

peithecelt 28

did you not know his uncle's were inappropriate homophobes? because, well, I know my siblings, and my husband's and know which ones my daughter is going to learn inappropriate things from... so don't let her hand out with them without someone to buffer their crazy.

I bet that that teacher is a fudge packer

Homophobic, immature, inappropriate, and irresponsible?

Did your son actually know what the term meant or was just innocently saying it because he learnt it from his uncle? If so, you may need to have a talk with him and explain that the term is not appropriate to say.