By titov - 10/01/2009 14:41 - France

Today, I got my stuff together before leaving to take the bus: cigarettes, newspaper, mobile phone and the trash. I took me at least 5 minutes in the bus to realize that I was travelling with the trash on my knees. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 045
You deserved it 7 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did u throw ur cigarettes, mobile phone, and newspaper where the trash was supposed to go??


Get new stuff...+_+...simple as that...

4 she had a ******* phone you retard. read the fml thoroughly before commenting you fucktard

thats happened to me before, but I have actually put the trash in my car.. thats even funnier!

no it's not cos people can't see that. :D

did u throw ur cigarettes, mobile phone, and newspaper where the trash was supposed to go??

I think OP left his house with the trash can intending to empty it but instead got in his car and put the trash can in his lap and left with it.