By SnurklesMcGee - 12/02/2016 22:08 - Canada

Today, I learned I don't have to spend Valentine's Day alone. My parents invited me along on their date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 589
You deserved it 2 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least they're thinking about you. But decline, let them have their day :)

Psh, go for it. Skip out before dessert so they can enjoy some of their dinner alone and head to the bar. Think of the free food!


At least they're thinking about you. But decline, let them have their day :)

I go out with my parents almost every year on Valentine's Day. They guilt trip me for not "loving" them if I try to get out of it :|

I can assure you, the dad doesn't want you home when they get back. Lol

Op politely decline their offer, and saw you don't have to go out to have a good time.

yay for being a third wheel :) but I agree with #1

Psh, go for it. Skip out before dessert so they can enjoy some of their dinner alone and head to the bar. Think of the free food!

I agree with #4 OP! Chances are, the people at the bar are on Valentine's Day strike as well Resources: this was me 3 years ago.

Its time to take care of your love life.

rosha267 21

That's strangely sweet of them!

I'm spending Valentine's Day alone. Kind of like every other day. Don't worry eventually you'll find your person.