By Bito - 21/12/2008 07:00 - France

Today, I played a table tennis final in public. After winning, I went to shake my opponent's hand. He doesn't react or move. It was only the first set. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 167
You deserved it 12 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can't tell which is the FML, that you thought it was over or that your profession is table tennis...

Just act like you shake hands at the end of each set...problem solved.


I can't tell which is the FML, that you thought it was over or that your profession is table tennis...

says the guy with a dragon for an icon lol

HairyPunisher 27

Who says it's his profession? Maybe OP plays it on the side for fun.

mrswentz 0

Um. That was by far the worst FML ever! Don't write somthing if it's not funny!

Awe. I feel bad for ya. Embarassment sucks.:[ fyl

@ 2nd comment, I lost The Game. Hahah well done, *S l o w clap*

wow buddy, this is probably fake or it was one of your first times playing.

FML? NOT!! Just pay attention and think next time.

hysterical 1