By WhoopteeDooDoo - 12/10/2011 22:47 - United States

Today, I pulled into the gas station to fill up only to realize I had forgot my wallet. By the time I went home, got it, and came back, the price had gone up eleven cents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 302
You deserved it 4 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm gonna go down on you And your gonna love it But then I'm gonna come back up And **** you crazy Lots of love, Gas prices xxxxx

gpd_deputy_1 6

Well, that's the United States for ya. I bet if you went back after writing this FML, you would find that the price increased once more. Or twice more. Who knows?


Why are all the comments saying that it's not that much more being thumbs down? With a 15 gallon tank, you pay a whopping $1.65 more per tank. If you fill up once a week, that's a whole $85.80 per year more. Do the math, get a clue, and get over yourselves you ******* idiots.

nickeabaganisima 0

Ooooo eleven cents, i bet that REALLY put you back huh? Drama queen

kiraleann 16

Do you realise how quickly 11 cents adds up when you're putting 12+ gallons in the car?

drama queen?? look at your ridiculous profile pic!

$3.50 for 25 gallons: $87.50 $3.61 for 25 gallons: $90.25 Don't insult things you don't understand...

Could be worse, you could be living in the uk and you would have to pay £1.33 per litre!

awesomeshay20 6

I remember when I thought $1.35 was a lot for gas. I was born in 90

Sometimes, when I read stuff like this, that the citizens in the U.S. complains about high gas prizes, they should look at the prizes elsewhere in the world before opening their mouth. 10 - 12$ per gallon is not uncommon these days.

dtemple1110 6

Maybe you should learn how to spell PRICES before opening YOUR mouth.

English isn't his first language... But if you can say what he just said in another language without making a single mistake, go ahead and make fun of him!

Well there's our economy for you...

MrSaxMan 0

Go home again and come back. Then itll be down again