By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 07:58 - United States

Today, I punched my wife in the face, because she jumped out from behind the bedroom door in the dark. I'm afraid of the dark. I'm 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 211
You deserved it 42 099

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTF is wrong with YOU?! Is it young? Yes, but who the hell are you to pass judgments on people just because of their age? For all you know they have been dating since they were 11. Just because YOU aren't ready for marriage doesn't mean other people aren't. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being married at 21.

why is everyone so surprised/shocked at someone being married at 21? Maybe he knocked her up, and did the right thing as a man and married her. I mean, getting married at 21 is certainly not nearly as controversial as marrying off your 15-16-17 year old daughters as was done in centuries past...


MrsLeesha05 0

1. I got married at SEVENTEEN. No. I wasn't pregnant. Yes I love my husband. 2. What business is it of yours to judge him for how old he is when he gets married. I'm 21 now [also afraid of the dark] 3. Who says they don't just call each other their husband and wife because they are secure in their relationship and feel they want to do that. They may not be legally married. They may just act/say they are. 4. #78 and any others calling him a moron/sucker/pussy for being MARRIED at 21, uhm, it takes A LOT of balls to get married. Especially if you got someone pregnant. Most men run. [that is if they got married because of a pregnancy] 5. WHO CARES HOW OLD HE IS WHEN HE GETS MARRIED. THAT ISN'T THE POINT OF THIS FML. IT'S THAT HE PUNCHED HER BECAUSE OF HER JUMPING OUT AT HIM WHEN ITS DARK.

#85 and #95 and all the other comments like theirs thank youuuu for saying exactly what I was thinking. To the others ..calm down. Do you really care thaaaat much about his age? Why is it immature to be afraid of the dark?

YDI for being married at 21. ******* loser.

21 is the age to drink (here).. and the guy's married... I lol'd Ah, but he's married now, no use going "LOL DON'T GET MARRIED AT 21" you know, guys. I personally thought it a little young (not so much I'd point it out, not until everyone else got into a tizzy about it), but I don't know his situation. So meh. As for being afraid of the dark... dude... what? I suppose if it's an actual phobia and not just some shit you didn't solve at ten... And lol, my mother hates being scared. I do it anyway. FYL OP for marrying someone who loves to make you piss your pants... course you probably already knew that. Okay, in that case, FYL for punching that someone even though you knew she's probably going to do that. I'm startled easily too, don't feel so bad.

ohno, he's a married at 21! o.O big deal. he's old enough to get married so what does it matter? jeez.

i would ask if your wife was ok, but jdging from your high level of pussiness, im guuessing yourr hand hurts more than he r face

MrsLeesha05 0

And I'm guessing that you actually thought you were funny when you said that? LOL. Nice try. I'm also guessing that your hand hurts more than her face as well because you have some pretty obvious mistakes in your post there.

What people do in these comments are nothing but judge people based on inferior information, nothing. People should stop to consider what makes them so great before they press that YDI button. Or not, who cares. The point is, you're all douchebags and you should feel bad.

I'm surprised that more people are shocked that he's married at twenty-one. I was expecting a lot of comments bashing him for being afraid of the dark since he's twenty-one. I'm sixteen and I'm still afraid of the dark. Who cares? Also if it was his choice to be married at twenty-one let it be. God damn who the hell cares? It isn't even the point of the FML, yet people are flipping out over it anyway like it's some sort of crazy thing that never happens. Anywhere. Mm... FYL OP. I get very jumpy and uncomfortable in the dark. Although I don't react by punching people in the face. I usually jump, scream, or freeze (none of which I can control).

adlauren 0

I'm sorry but unless you're an ex-marine or some kind of professional ninja, there's really no reason that your first instinct upon being startled would be to sock someone in the goddamn face. It sounds like OP would benefit from some counseling...maybe he can go while his wife is having her nose set.

bexox 0

Not really. I kick when I'm scared. It's just a reflex, and I just do the occaisional kickboxing class. My cousin startled me once, and I kicked her in the stomach.

_electricbonbon 0

YDI for having a bedroom door.

MrsLeesha05 0

YDI for being a moron. I always love reading the trolls and post-just-to-post posts. Shows how completely retarded they are.