By redneckfamily - 24/05/2013 07:06 - United States - Roy

Today, I realized my family is the textbook definition of redneck after listening to my grandpa threaten to smash with an excavator the trailer that my uncle lives in behind our house if he didn't return the set of tires he had stolen and pawned from my grandpa's garage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 009
You deserved it 3 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrClean17 15

*banjo noise in background*

Does your grandpa sit in a rocking chair in front with a shotgun in his lap?


I bet the tires were worth more than the truck they belonged too! No wonder he's so pissed.

Don't be so hard on your family, Bubba J.

"Redredredred redneck" Do all the guys drink beer and talk about their trucks? Or that sweet little thing at the market?

I hate to be THAT guy but, You know you are a redneck when you post an FML about just how redneck your family is... I feel dirty.

perdix 29

. . . and he used the money to rent some dentures for his sister, because her meth mouth knocked out most, but not all, of her teeth and the ******** are too rough.

Grampa gonna make unka bubba squeeeeeel like a pig while he compliments him on his purty mouf... Destroying his trailer with a backhoe is just redneck foreplay to the real fun! Your uncle's gonna be walking funny for a while and standing instead of sitting when grampa gits through with him!!

Cletus! Get up here we gotta de louse the youngins!