By noname1025 - 04/09/2012 16:44 - United States - Lamar

Today, I realized my husband and I have been fighting a lot lately, so to show him how much I care, I got a tattoo with his name on it. He hates it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 611
You deserved it 54 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bargarlm 2

You couldn't take him on a date or buy him something nice or something?? A tattoo? WHY


Isa_fml 20

This might seem unorthodox, but did you ever consider, uh, talking to him?

Did anyone else see the irony that op user name is "no name" that's what she will be saying once she gets the tat removed.. "oh yea that was just no name x husband"

Never tattoo a guys name, that just guarantees that you'll break up with each other.

bgiles626 2

I've heard of guys doing that for girls.. I haven't heard of it the other way around. Bad idea.

You got a tattoo when you guys were already fighting? Getting his name tattooed on you even when things are good is a ridiculously bad idea. Why would you even consider that?!

No one likes the idea of tattooing someone's name on them. I assume yall are in your teens? That's a very child like thing to do.

mrsmaglietta 6

He would of much rather had some kinky XXX! Believe me.