By Mick - 20/02/2009 08:29 - United States

Today, I saw an elderly man fall in a crosswalk, so I jumped off my bike to help. As I helped him across, the light turned green. I then watched across a 6 lane street as someone stole my bike. FML
I agree, your life sucks 864 017
You deserved it 94 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MJD_fml 0

Altruism is selfless concern for the welfare of others. Take comfort in the fact that the reward for your deed is internal. Externally your phone and your bike were only material objects which can be replaced.


#37 hit it. This is how thieves operate. The phone part is clearly not planned but still... However, assuming it was NOT planned, then people are just jerks. Honestly, I bet the drivers would have just as well run the old man over if you didn't help him. That's how people are.

Sorry man, that sucks! At least your heart was in the right place and you don't have to feel guilty for not helping the old man. But next time, I guess you'll be sure to bring your bike with you, eh? :/ Maybe talk to your service provider and see if they'll replace your phone?

xEPiCFAiLx 0

Aww, I'm sorry. But it's really nice that you helped.

blacklagoon_fml 0

100% FML. That really sucks, but things will get better! Know that you did the right thing.

CaptainCrunch_fml 0

Wow, this is the best FML on the site. I don't mean in a good way, but it's what 51 said, it's 100% FML. But you're a really good person, take pride in that. People suck, they really do. I can't believe someone stole your bike. Why wouldn't anyone in the cars help?? Wtf??? Why didn't anyone stop that dude from stealing your bike?? There's no goodness left in the world!

If I were driving across an intersection, I wouldn't stop on the off chance that the bike on one side belonged to the guy on the other. Just saying

"There's no goodness left in the world." Do you really think that? You do realize your comment was in response to OP being ****** over while doing some "GOODNES"?

iAmPaul 49

Why wouldn't you simply reply to 56 instead of making a new comment referencing them? O_o

thepainter 0

It's karma. Clearly the guy you helped was a serial killer or something.