By Anonymous - 12/06/2009 15:05 - United States

Today, I signed up for an online dating service, a couple of days after my divorce. I got my first batch of matches, and number one was a smiling picture of the woman who had just divorced my ass after 20+ years together. Her profile shows she has to have been active there for months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 808
You deserved it 4 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

funsize003 0

ahhh what a bitch. I'm sorry, you deserve a better wife. what you do now: make an account under some random name, with a really hot guy as the profile picture. begin to talk to her, get her really interested. meet up with her on a blind date, when she sees you, smile yell, "gotcha, ****!" and move on. :)

lol, you should contact the dating site and tell them they need to fix their matching system, if your #1 match ended up divorcing you. XD


Well you WERE going through the process of divorce three months ago.. Werent you?

likeduhhx4 0
wowfmlife 0

Well at least you gues were compatable And a few days? You rebound quick! ...she's faster though

Junkomon 0

Wow...she pretty much just ****** you over. You need to send her a message and start flirting with her. Then tell her the truth and be really nice and smiley about it. DO IT. You should.

wowfmlife 0

So what did you do to make her divorce you?

Say... did the two of you like pina coladas? And getting caught in the rain?

elsieenchanted 0

good thing you divorced her, huh? fyl but it would have been way worse if you were just looking at the computer, it was up, and it said that (and you were still married). yeah FYL indeed.

I think what makes this a FYL is that your EX-wife was your number one match. I's not so bad that she was online dating while the two of you were separated (since you're usually separated first before the divorce is finalized)....what sucks is that this website's choice of the best possible match for you is the woman who divorced you. FYL man.