By klynn267 - 09/05/2012 11:03 - United States - Portland

Today, I switched cell phone service providers, hoping to upgrade. After working out the details and picking a phone in the store, I got home to find my brand new cell can't get a signal in my house. I already signed the two year contract. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 502
You deserved it 6 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a 30 day trial period. You deserved this for not reading your contract! Return the phone and switch providers

pm_sky 0

call your service provider and ask them how to update your phone so you can hit more towers and get a stronger signal.


Don't worry My phone won't get service in my house either but it will let me get service basically anywhere else.

That's one of the few reasons you can break a phone contract with no penalty. Don't bother calling, just go back to the retail location.

kryxen 14

Call in and keep going to supervisors, you can eventually get a thing called a signal repeater. It amps up any signal kinda like and old tv antenna.

You should have a return period, most companies have at least a 14 day return policy. Next time, check the coverage map.

KiddNYC1O 20

You can get boxes from your cell provider for your home almost like mini relay towers. I forgot what they are called. Just had to have my dad get one since his place is the black hole of all cell signals. I can't remember the cost either, but they did let him try it before purchasing one to see if it'd solve his problem. I have never had to use one myself, but he says it's working great for him. I guess I will see when I go to visit. We have the same phone on the same carrier and I know how bad it was prior.

Most carriers give you 2 weeks to change your mind I believe

tatayannmermen 3

Did you not have any friends with that service??

furry_fml 6

Get a booster signal, trust me the same thing happened to me

Joshuacummins 1

you have the ability to get out of the contract for upto 30 days after entering into a cell phone contract, btw...