By leprechaun23 - 23/04/2012 04:21 - United States - Cleveland

Today, I taught my friend how to use a staple gun. She taught me how to get staples out of my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 286
You deserved it 4 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Those who can, do, those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, attempt to teach people to use staple guns.

I want to know who taught YOU how to use a staple gun........


shawnaishere 14

And you learned you are a bad teacher.

You know what happened to Rome right? They trained barbarians and they turned on the Romans. Morale of the story: don't teach people

I was trying to get this tiny baby stapler to work once, stapled page to my thumb, somehow did the same with my forehead and then thumb again!

DanteWest1000 5

YDI for giving it to a blonde...

joe13527 0

I hope her teaching you went better than you teaching her?

leprechaun23 15

Op here, the type of staple gun was a weird design and had the hole where the staples come out on the opposite end of where they usually came out. Ended up needing 3 stitches in middle finger

F is for friends who do stuff together U is for you and meeeee