By hiitisbrooke - 23/11/2015 20:17 - United States - Dearborn

Today, I texted my friend asking if he'd like to join my "porno group". I meant promo. I quickly texted back correcting the mistake, but not before I received the nudes he sent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 935
You deserved it 4 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*doesnt assume it's a typo, immediately sends nudes*


Stephencharis 14

Today, I received a message from a friend asking if I would join her porno group, I already texted my nude pics before I received a message stating its 'promo'. FML

*doesnt assume it's a typo, immediately sends nudes*

SystemofaBlink41 27

It's like he has a portfolio of nudes at his disposal whenever needed. Though, it doesn't hurt to have one lying around... Let me get the camera.

I just assumed he was sending nudes from the Internet. I certainly hope he wasn't sending nudes of himself! That makes it so much worse. Friendship ruined after that. Lol. o/O

Yeah a nude portfolio.. *nervous laughter* haha what a weirdo ha ha... O.O

I've got dozens of nudes. From when I was fat enough to need a mirror or camera to see my penis. When I realized that, I lost weight. And kept the pictures as a warning. And for situations like this one :D

bob8462 11

The question is, why was the friend so ready to send those nudes?

Maybe his dream is to be in a porno and he had them on his phone just in case.

Nude portfolios aren't uncommon you know, gosh. Lmao

They might not be pictures of himself. They could just be random nudes from the Internet, sent because he thought it was a group to share porno pics and vids. OP doesn't specify.

How long did you take to correct the typo? That sucks either way tho.

It was about five minutes before I noticed. I was wondering why he wasn't responding because he usually texts back quickly. I don't know what he was thinking!!

Depending on what you're promoting, those pictures might come to be of use.

How could you confuse porno with promo? The letter ordering isn't even similar...

roflstomp716 19

If he typed too fast and said pormo which autocorrected to porno

I hope there's a follow up. I'd never let him live that down.