By Anonymous - 10/07/2019 06:15

Today, I told my girlfriend she was beautiful. She replied, "Lit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 583
You deserved it 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m pretty old, but even I know that her reply was a good thing for you. Were you fishing for a compliment in return?


"G?" Huh? And is the GF responding that OP is "lit" ie, high, in order to explain the cause of his compliment?

Forget it, J. It's kiddieland. I think she was signaling that she appreciated the compliment, that it was "lit." The correct response, I think, is Thank You, but IBF if I know for sure.

I’m pretty old, but even I know that her reply was a good thing for you. Were you fishing for a compliment in return?

Haha, you kids today! BIMD we would have said kick her behind to the curb.

That a good thing, but this is the way it goes in this new generation that can't seem to spell out complete sentences anymore.