By Anonymous - 14/08/2014 04:38 - France

Today, I took part in a raffle that was being organised in the small countryside village where I'm vacationing. I live in big city. I won a duck. A real, live duck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 460
You deserved it 67

Top comments

Have you not watched Friends? You'll be fine, just buy a baby chick so it has a friend.

hey, some people didn't even get a duck. be thankful :p


That should teach you to enter small town raffles. We give away some stupid shit sometimes.

what happened to the duck? what does OP stand for?

Sathane 21

Now you have a gift to give to a local.

So are you saying winning a raffle isn't all its quacked up to be?

I'm sorry, but I would be ecstatic about winning a duck.