By willieboom - 30/05/2009 15:18 - United States

Today, I turned 30 years-old. My dad, the only living relative I have, gave me a call. Not to wish me a happy birthday, but to tell me about "a hot piece of ass" he nailed at the senior center last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 701
You deserved it 3 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oho damn, no one needs to hear that. Happy birthday, man ! :)

bosco_kk 0

Once my dad told me his complete sex life, with horrid, horrid details. So I feel your pain. FYL, and happy birthday by the way.


Oho damn, no one needs to hear that. Happy birthday, man ! :)

first of all happy b day 2ndly when i read this i got the inage of an old dude nailing an old chick. i cant un see this. fml

Woow you need to have a convo with him about that.

wowihatemylife 1

wow thats just wierd happy birthday!

bosco_kk 0

Once my dad told me his complete sex life, with horrid, horrid details. So I feel your pain. FYL, and happy birthday by the way.

Happy Birthday :) Hope the rest of your day was better...

Are you mad that he's getting more action than you?

angel03260 0

happy birthday. your dads a g.