By DumbLackofLuck - 22/12/2009 21:54 - United States

Today, I waited until the last minute to do my Christmas shopping. Today, I also discovered that my bank account has been frozen due to suspicious activity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 829
You deserved it 8 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The EXACT same thing happened to me. But I have very few gifts left to buy, and my bank (Scotiabank) is awesome and will unfreeze my account and give me a new card and PIN right on the spot.

txgirl09 5

waiting until the last minute is a lame move but we've all done that before.


Yikes! This reminds me of the FML where someones account was closed because they thought they were dead. And the account holder had to go into the branch and PROVE they were still alive. Ridiculous!

Closed by who? The bank can't just close your account. That's ridiculous.